
To do- or not to do

You've heard that it's wrong to put on a show , but Jesus says men should see your good works. So, what is showing off? It's not a difficult answer; in fact, it depends upon each individual. It's motive; what drives you to do what you do. Did you know you can do good things for the wrong reason, and God does not count it for a blessing?

So that's it. This week, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you- to help you. You can train a dog to behave differently around the food, but in his mind, he still wants your food. God wants, through the power of his holy Spirit, to change your thinking and your desires. If the dog does not want the food anymore, then he is truly changed, and that's unnatural- Right? That's why we become a new creation. It's not natural to want the best for someone who's been rotten to you. And we can never accomplish it simply by learning; the Holy Spirit has to make the change in our thinking.
I'm really excited to share this one with you, because next week, we'll talk about blessings.

Read next: "Be Blessed"

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