
Worry in the Lord's Prayer

In an ideal world we're told not to worry, yet when Jesus prayed, he seemed to have a list of requests: daily bread, forgiveness, not getting tempted or being deliberately led into tempting. Now, we know that it is a fact: God cannot be tempted, so he won't tempt anyone. Need proof? Go to James 1:13. So if that verse is true- and it is. Is Jesus introducing worry about these daily things, or is he saying something else?

So, you see Jesus was telling us that these things were already provided for; we shouldn't- we don't need to be anxious about them. Jesus only asked for one thing: The Father's kingdom to come the way he wanted it to.
That's our example.

Today, practice casting all your cares on him- knowing that he cares for you.
Start praying in a new way. If you belong to him, call him Father. If not, call him Provider (grinning) -More on that, later.

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