
Be Blessed

My grandmother is in her twilight years, and the quiet glow of her generous spirit will be met with great fanfare, someday. As I read these verses to her, I welled up thinking of how her reward is coming.

Please share this today with someone who's dear to you

Rest, and take comfort through these words. And have a happy Mother's Day.


To do- or not to do

You've heard that it's wrong to put on a show , but Jesus says men should see your good works. So, what is showing off? It's not a difficult answer; in fact, it depends upon each individual. It's motive; what drives you to do what you do. Did you know you can do good things for the wrong reason, and God does not count it for a blessing?

So that's it. This week, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you- to help you. You can train a dog to behave differently around the food, but in his mind, he still wants your food. God wants, through the power of his holy Spirit, to change your thinking and your desires. If the dog does not want the food anymore, then he is truly changed, and that's unnatural- Right? That's why we become a new creation. It's not natural to want the best for someone who's been rotten to you. And we can never accomplish it simply by learning; the Holy Spirit has to make the change in our thinking.
I'm really excited to share this one with you, because next week, we'll talk about blessings.

Read next: "Be Blessed"


Does God Love Everyone?

Every once in a while it seems we shed our halos for horns. And in a lot of cases it probably doesn't mean our heart is any less towards God or towards people or towards even that person. It just means we stumbled. But God is constant, and all the issues that we have with people, God doesn't have. In fact, he's so good that he sends rain on the just and the unjust. And, if that seems wrong, just keep reading:

So you see, if someone is not part of God's family, he still loves them and provides; he's fair, but there's more benefits to knowing him as Father. Remember to practice fairness today, as Christ would teach it. Treat all of the haters well and pray for their sake when they chase you away.

If you enjoyed this, you might also like: "To do or not to do"


Happy Earth Day

So I found out that April 22nd is Earth Day, and what better way to celebrate than with a look into Genesis with how the land was furnished. Please comment (I think the comment bugs are fixed now) If you have questions, I'll be happy to explain. By the way, feel free to scroll and look around

Yes, it is super controversial, but I believe it's accurate. If you see something that's mishandled, please let me know; I will respectfully listen to your concerns. Happy Earth Day everyone! (We'll get back to Matthew on Sunday)


Worry in the Lord's Prayer

In an ideal world we're told not to worry, yet when Jesus prayed, he seemed to have a list of requests: daily bread, forgiveness, not getting tempted or being deliberately led into tempting. Now, we know that it is a fact: God cannot be tempted, so he won't tempt anyone. Need proof? Go to James 1:13. So if that verse is true- and it is. Is Jesus introducing worry about these daily things, or is he saying something else?

So, you see Jesus was telling us that these things were already provided for; we shouldn't- we don't need to be anxious about them. Jesus only asked for one thing: The Father's kingdom to come the way he wanted it to.
That's our example.

Today, practice casting all your cares on him- knowing that he cares for you.
Start praying in a new way. If you belong to him, call him Father. If not, call him Provider (grinning) -More on that, later.

You might enjoy: "Does God Love Everyone"


Reduce Stress

Anxiety plagues a host of people, daily, whether in school, job or simply worrying if there's enough money. The question is "Do we really trust God?" Do we really believe it's his will to make sure we have what's needed?

That was his prayer. He didn't ask for anything else (more on that later). A good parent makes sure you have what's needed, and provides as best as they can. That's what your Father does.

You might enjoy: "Worry in the Lord's Prayer"